"You Win Some, You Loser"


"yr shoelaces"

Following the footsteps of great men before them, those such as Bill, Ted, Wayne, Garth, Burt, and Ernie, Animal City's Salvatore Cassato and Dakota Loesch have together been guitar soloing, teeth gritting, and basement recording for many years. Now with "You Win Some, You Loser" they have finally left the lo-fi platform. This has been helped in part by their new rhythm section, Douglas Ryan and Levi Yastrow. "You Win Some, You Loser" is the first record the quartet has assembled with all their songs tracked in one place on their own equipment through good microphones into equipment superior to hand-held tape recorders. This first full-length Animal City release is unforgettable, full-bodied, dad pop. And by pop we mean popping your lip open on a guitar head-stock in a front row of head bangers. This bitter lyrical gem is going to take these boys out of the basement and into the attic, which i guess is where Clarissa lived, or that kid from "Little Monsters"??